Stephanie Windle

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Healthy Non-dairy Drinks

I wanted to pass on a couple of my favorite recipes for healthy non-dairy drinks. 


Here’s my favorite for when you are in the mood for something warm. It contains the healthy spices of turmeric, ginger and cinnamon:

Mix one cup of almond milk, ¼ tsp turmeric, ¼ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp cinnamon and 2 tsp honey or raw sugar and heat on the stovetop.  The amounts of the spices do not have to be exact and you can use less honey or sugar if you wish. 

 You can also make this as a cold drink, you just need to stir well.


I love this smoothie:

In a blender mix 2 cups of almond milk (or your choice of non-dairy milk like coconut or rice milk), a handful of frozen blueberries, a banana (can be frozen), a little raw sugar or honey and blend until mixed.  You can add a few ice cubes if you wish.

 Tip:  When I have bananas that are getting too ripe, I peel them and break them in chunks and put them in the freezer to use in smoothies.  Also, Costco has large bags of frozen blueberries that are inexpensive.  I like to put them in yogurt too.


Tea is always good.  I have re-discovered Constant Comment tea.  I love it warm but I have lately been making pitchers of iced tea.  I put three tea-bags in a 2- quart saucepan of water, boil, let cool and put it in a container in the refrigerator so I can have iced tea anytime.  You can add a little sugar if you wish.



Photo by Nathan Lenz