
Tips for Time Management


Tips for Time Management


Use a planner – Write down appointments, classes, meeting due dates, etc in a planner.  You can use a notebook style planner or a computer system.  Do what works for you.  It helps to be able to see the both big picture and what you have to do for each day.


Break it Up – Large tasks can be overwhelming to face.  One of the best ways to succeed is to break large tasks into smaller manageable pieces which are much easier to start.  Build in accountability by putting the parts of the project or task on your calendar and give yourself deadlines.

You can eat an elephant a bite at a time.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of “good.”   You can waste a great deal of time and energy in search of perfection.  Think about how you are using your time and what things can be “good enough.”   Would a “B” be okay or do you need an “A”?  Could your house be clean enough rather than spotless?  Can you take some meal preparation shortcuts?



Set Priorities – Know what is most important and what is least important.  You will want to allocate most time to the things that are most important.


“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”  Goethe



To do list – Write down the things that you need to do. A to-do list helps you stop using mental energy to remember everything that need to be done.  To combine prioritizing with a to-do list, I use the following method.  I do this at the beginning of every week. I list three things that I must accomplish that week.  I then know to focus my attention on those things and make sure that I make time for them.  I list three things that I should accomplish that week and then three things that I could accomplish.  In the “could do” list I include things that may be nice but not absolutely necessary that week.  I also include things that can be easily checked off, such as making an appointment.


Must do




Should do




Could do





Ta Da List


Write a list at the end of the week describing your accomplishments.  It feels great to know that you got some things done and can be very motivating.